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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by J2k3EbDd

  1. J2k3EbDd

    Bot clicking outside game-window

    The issue is resolved with the newest version of the bot, 0.74, released last sunday. Completely missed that. Thanks MasterofSilence!
  2. J2k3EbDd

    Bot clicking outside game-window

    Progress! This stops the bot from clicking outside the window. However, this gives rise to a new problem: now the bot only ever moves to the top left corner of the screen.
  3. J2k3EbDd

    Bot clicking outside game-window

    I have an issue with the bot clicking outside the game window, in this case it is rapidly opening the 2nd shortcut on my desktop (2nd from top, 1st from left) This seems to coincide with a message in the log: Error while reading progression. Attached the log in question. Any clue how to fix this? lastrun.log
  4. J2k3EbDd

    MVWare ERROR

    I fixed this by enabling 3d support in VMWare. Under settings -> display -> accelerate 3d graphics
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