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Beta Tester
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About CakAttack

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    Bronze V

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  1. CakAttack

    Monster threshhold seems bugged

    I had the same issue. I reset it to 0 and left it.
  2. CakAttack

    Bot stopped due to path of exile window not found.

    this happens to me all the time as well. i cannot see a cause. it happens on my new machine and old. so strange.
  3. CakAttack

    Beach arena boss

    When donut enters arena it checks a few spaces into the arena than leaves without engaging boss.
  4. CakAttack

    Twilight Strand

    So, I tried something new. I ran a new character on Twilight Strand for grinding the sword. I set up the character to ignore town scrolls. 100% completion. Then set Idle Settings for the bot to pause at the login screen for 4 minutes waiting for the instance to reload. The bot will not idle at the login screen after it exits out of the game. Is this section bugged or am I missing something in the settings?
  5. Any thoughts? I have walked through the guides. Not doing so well. Kiting No... Skill 1 mouse_right min distance 1, cool down 0, priority 10 (highest). target selection all, min monster required in range 0. Any thoughts?
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